Six months ago, a little girl who was only 7 years old was traded like a commodity and married to a man of 50. And, unfortunately, this is not an isolated event in Eastern Africa.

23% of Kenyan girls are married before their 18th birthday.

4% are married before their 15th birthday.

When you add in customs like female genital mutilation (FGM is still at a sickening 21% of women 15-49), ideas that women are to be seen not heard, and the disparity of importance placed on female and male education, it is not surprising that these are incredible struggles to overcome.

FGM, Forced Marriage and SEXUL ASSAULT has immediate and long-term effects on GIRLS and WOMEN’s health. The effects include poor PERFOMANCE in school, DEPRESSION & STRESS, TEENAGE PREGNANCY, severe bleeding, infection and shock. The long-term complications include recurrent urinary tract infections, keloids, TRAUMA, low self-esteem and self -confidence. These practices are also associated with the transmission of HIV from use of unhygienic instruments.